Take Care of Discus

Discus Fish are selectively bred for its brilliant red/orange/blue coloration. Vertical black bars are displayed depending on the fish’s mood. The overall coloration of Discus will vary depending on mood and overall health of the fish. The Discus has surpassed the Angelfish as the most popular freshwater aquarium fish.

Acclimating Your New Fish

Here are some simple instructions to help you with your new and beautiful Fish.

  1. Place the closed bags into the aquarium – wait about 10 minutes for the temperature to be adjusted and turn the lights off.
  2. Open each bag and add one cup of water from your Aquarium, wait about 10 minutes and repeat the process two more times.
  3. Release the fish into your aquarium, keeping the lights still off and let the fish get used to their new home.
  4. Be patient, as It will take eight to twelve hours for them to adjust and then you can give them their first feeding. Frozen bloodworms are an excellent first choice.

Water Parameters

Discus and their Tank-mates are very susceptible to water quality, however, they can thrive quite well in PH from 6.0 to 7.5 – hardness from 50 ppm to 300 ppm and temperature of 81 – 88 F, as long as changes are not drastic, they will do just fine. Keep up with a minimum of one water change per week, 25% to 30% of tank volume and replace with aged water of the same parameters. With proper feeding and water changes your precious Fish will give you years of enjoyment. With time, in case water from your Aquarium will evaporate and cause the Hardness level to increase, just add R/O water or distilled water to the tank a little at a time until it’s back to normal (Provided by your local pet store).